• As I mentioned in the blog post before I do a lot of things. I get asked technical and design questions by a lot of people in my periphery all the time and I am always willing to share my knowledge. Sometimes I wish I could just send them a link with a blog post where everything is explained in detail. So – in a way – you might consider this blog an act of self-defense (of my free time). 🤓

  • I might also address rather »philosophical« topics about my line of work which are less about software or hardware but more about the ins and outs of creative work in general. In the past view months there has been a lot of developments in text- and image based artificial intelligence (AI) that will change the DNA of the whole visual creative industry – for creators and clients.

    I might also share a little bit of my knowledge and insight that I acquired over the years considering workflows related to photography and postproduction. Additionally I may write about technical & logistical challenges that I have overcome regularly on photo shoots. And the photo and graphic design industry in general.

  • Since I mostly use Photoshop but also a bunch of other Adobe apps and once in a while also Capture One Pro I will probably write a few articles about software and tips/hacks to workaround those pesky bugs that make your daily xcreative life difficult for you.

    In photography I mostly use and Nikon cameras in my daily workflow but I also have shot on Canon, Fuji, Leica and PhaseOne. I worked with strobes from Hensel, Profoto, Elinchrome, Broncolor and Briese. So once in a while I will address these topics.

    While I mostly use Apple computers I also sometimes use Microsoft Windows when the Mac falls short in some areas. So maybe I can help out with some tricks on the Mac or certain hidden or not so well-known functions in Photoshop.

  • One of the many creative fields I cover is web design. So you can expect a little bit of tips and tricks for the Squarespace system because that is the content management system (CMS) of my choice at the moment.

  • I came up with the concept of a »3-minute workshop« while talking to friends and clients who regularly ask me about technical stuff. In very short and concise articles I might explain something technical in (hopefully) easy to understand terms. You know, an article you might send your mom if her Mac, iPad or iPhone goes »haywire« again.

    I think 3 minutes – ok, maybe it takes 5 but 3 minutes just sounds more appealing – is a reasonable amount of time to acquire some new skills or knowledge in between other tasks. You can do it in your coffee break or while you wait for an email or for lunch. Or you just do it between 2 boring tasks to stay focused and learn something new.


